Thursday, December 31, 2009

Healthy tastey salmon recipes?

I'm planning on having my dad bring home some salmon fillets from the freezer section. how would I got about preparing them to make a good dish.

I'm very new to cooking. like last time I tried to cook frozen salmon I did it in the microwave and burnt it (pity too because they tasted so good when the costco lady made them...) So I need some quick pointers.

I really want something flavorful that would go well with a pasta side. something healthy as I'm trying to get msyelf and my family eating better...something I can put yummy spices on (herbs mostly, I'm not really one for spicy.)

I suppose I could find a recipe online but my main concern is how to prepare a frozen fillet. do I defrost, them put the herbs on and cook or...what. I'm a bit unsure. My mom hasn't coked samlon before so she doesn't know either.

any help would be appreciated! Thanks!Healthy tastey salmon recipes?
Yes you will need to defrost them, otherwise they will not cook evenly.


Salmon fillets, any portion size, boned and skinned

Onion powder, to taste be generous

Garlic powder, to taste be generous

Dried dill, to taste be generous

Mrs. Dash, to taste be generous



Wash and dry fillets. Spread thin coat of mayonnaise over salmon. Spray Pam or similar product over Pyrex or tin foil pan or rectangular pan (depending on amount and size of portions).

Sprinkle seasonings over fish ending with paprika. Bake in 375 degree oven for 10 to 20 minutes or until fish flakes easily.Healthy tastey salmon recipes?
i usually just pan fry it and serve with a fresh salad or stir fried veg.

i buy fresh, so defrost your frozen fillets

you could also poach it in a mix of water and milk
Defrost them than make foil pouches for them soke them in some soy sauce lemon juice and honey for about an hour bake at 350 for an hour or until fish is flakey! It is delish!
Defrost them and then poach them. Salmon goes very nicely with hollandaise sauce...If you don't want to venture down that road to making the sauce, you can buy it from the store. Knorr makes the product. Its easy and when defrosted they poach quickly
Honestly I prefer to not over season my Salmon. It is very easy to overpower good Salmon's flavor with spices. I generally just prepare it with a little lemon juice and possibly a dash of garlic salt. Many people will use dill with their fish, but I find it is a bit strong for Salmon and is better suited for bland fish.

When I am baking Salmon I will also use a light drizzle of good oil just to help it not dry out during the baking process. The one key element is to not overcook your fish (as you have found out.)
You need to defrost it first then use any online recipe you like.


If you don't defrost, the salom will either get too watery, not cooked thru or just way to flaky.

go to I just watched the chef make this one and it looks super. It's called Sesame Ginger Poached Salmon and you can write it down. I am going to try it myself. All Asian veggies in a broth and the salmon on top. It looks so healthy and delicious. Good luck. It's easy too.

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