Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mayonnaise recipe for salmon burgers?

I am making salmon burgers for dinner and I want to make a mayo suace to go on it, but I don't want to a dill suace. Any ideas on ingredients to mix in the mayo to compliment the bacon, avacado and salmon on the burger?Mayonnaise recipe for salmon burgers?
2 egg yolks

1 cup of canola oil (olive oil will work, but the end result will taste oily)

1 teaspoon of dijon mustard

Combine egg yolks and mustard in a bowl. Very slowly, add a small amount of the canola oil to the mixture in the bowl. Rapidly whisk the canola oil into the yolk/mustard mixture until the oil is completely incorporated. Once you have the emulsion (it should look like mayonnaise, and not be separating), slowly add the remaining canola oil into the bowl, whisking rapidly.

If you got the emulsion right off the bat, before adding more oil, you should now have a bowl of your very own homemade mayonnaise. Add salt to taste and store in a mason jar. This mayonnaise will keep for up to 5 days.Mayonnaise recipe for salmon burgers?
You could make an avocado may instead of putting slices of avocado on the burger that are going to slide off anyway.

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